Yearly Archives: 2020

The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority has modified the system of garbage collection in Bananes more specifically the residential area near the playing field. All communal garbage containers have been removed effective Friday, November 13, 2020. From that point onward the said locale will be served via curbside collection. This means that residents will

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This announcement covers all of Anse-La-Raye village, Au Tabor and Massacre and Roseau   Dear Residents, the Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority informs you that garbage collection for your community is as follows: There will no longer be a garbage collection service on Saturdays. Weekly Garbage Collection will be strictly on Mondays and Thursdays

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PRESS STATEMENT   For Immediate Release  NOVEMBER SCHEDULE OF REPLAST COLLECTION POINTS LAUNCHES POSTPONED  Castries, November 5th, 2020; Mindful of the recent spike in the infection rate of COVID-19  in Saint Lucia, and the call by Health authorities to limit non-essential movement, the  RePLAST-OECS Pilot Plastic Recycling Project guided by its Steering Committee has placed a 

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The SLSWMA wishes to address inconsistencies in the Choice TV News Broadcast “In The Dumps” dated 12th November 2020. The SLSWMA has decided to deny access to All individuals inclusive of coconut vendors from accessing the Deglos Sanitary Landfill after closing hours. This decision stemmed primarily from a safety perspective due to the fact that

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The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority has partnered with the Caribbean Student Environmental Alliance Inc. (Caribbean SEA) to provide assistance to a project initiative being executed at three schools in the Soufriere basin. These schools namely; Soufriere Infant School, Soufriere Primary School and the Fond St. Jacques R.C. Primary school requested assistance in the

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The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority wishes to inform residents of Sarrot of a delay in waste collection services today, Friday, 23rd October 2020. Residents who do not receive their scheduled collection today, will receive collection tomorrow, Saturday, 24th October 2020. The SLSWMA apologizes for any inconvenience caused. For further information, contact one of the mediums listed

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The SLSWMA recently issued every employee with an official Staff Identification Card. The identification cards display the individual’s photo along with Name, Designation and Department.  The Identification card also carries an official date of issue and is endorsed (signed) by both the individual and the general manager of the SLSWMA. The Authority through this introduction

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Vector Control Tips

A message from The Department of Health and Wellness in collaboration with The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority.   The public is encouraged to take the necessary precautions to rid their home and property of vectors such as mosquitoes and rats. Here are a few tips: Do you have standing water around your home?

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The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority (SLSWMA) has reintroduced waste hauler licence stickers and driver licences in an effort to allow the public to better identify persons legally authorized by the SLSWMA to haul waste for pay; thereby further ensuring that waste is collected, transported properly and safely through public spaces and disposed of

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The Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority wishes to inform all residents of the resumption of its bulk waste collection service, effective Saturday, 1st August 2020. All communities will revert to the original bulk waste collection schedule (see the full schedule at Residents are reminded to place items out only on the designated collection

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Head Office

8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Deglos Sanitary Landfill

7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Saturdays

7 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sundays & Holidays 

Vieux Fort Solid Waste Transfer Facility

7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Saturdays

7 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sundays & Holidays 

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